Contact Us

Street Address
303 Sand Creek Road
Albany, New York 12205
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 5085
Albany, New York 12205
Get in Touch
Office: 518.465.7545
Pastoral Emergencies: 518.250.9098 (call/text)
Staff may also be reached at their individual email addresses here.
Office Hours
Due to the nature of our office, staff may be working remotely. Please make an appointment with the person with whom you wish to meet or call ahead to ensure someone is available before stopping by. If you are in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Josh Evans at 518.250.9098.
There is a small lot near the chapel building, and overflow parking is available on the lawn near the vault (along Sand Creek Road). You are also welcome to parallel park anywhere on the cemetery roads, but please be sure to leave space for other passing vehicles.
Public Transportation
During the week (Monday – Saturday), CDTA bus route #125 stops right in front of St. John’s (Sand Creek Rd & Marriner Ave).
On Sunday mornings, the best option is CDTA bus route #1. Get off at Central Ave & Frederick Ave. From there, it is about a 15-minute walk down Frederick to reach Sand Creek Rd. If accessibility is a concern, please contact the church office, and we would be glad to discuss transportation options. We have a handful of members who carpool regularly.
For CDTA route and fare information, click here.
There are no steps required to enter the sanctuary entrance (nearest the road). We also have two fully accessible, all-gender restrooms.