Albany Lutherans Together (ALT)

Mission and Purpose
Albany Lutherans Together (ALT) – previously known as the ‘Albany Lutheran Cluster’ – is an intentional partnership of the four Albany-area ELCA congregations, including First Lutheran Church (Albany/Pine Hills), Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Loudonville), Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit (Albany/Delaware Avenue), and St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Colonie).
Together we worship – including special midweek liturgies for Advent & Lent and the Great Vigil of Easter – and we give back to our community through regular outreach collections – including the Schuyler Inn (Menands), St. John’s/St. Ann’s Food Pantry (South Albany), Things of My Very Own (Schenectady), Giffen Memorial and Delaware Community Schools (Albany), CACC Emergency Homeless Overflow Shelter (Albany), the Albany Maritime Ministry Christmas-at-Sea program, and Rehabilitation Support Services (Altamont).
Participating Congregations and Pastors
First Lutheran Church
The Rev. D. Lowell Chilton, Pastor
181 Western Avenue, Albany
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
The Rev. D. Lowell Chilton, Pastor
510 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
The Rev. Dr. Rahel Hahn, Pastor
57 Hurlbut Street, Albany
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Rev. Josh Evans, Pastor
303 Sand Creek Road, Albany