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A Place to Be

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This form will be available beginning October 25.

A Message from Pastor Josh Evans

Dear beloved of God at St. John’s,

Church is weird.

“The strangeness of a building, a gathering, an hour or two or three on a Sunday morning where you, me, anyone can simply walk in and sit and listen, maybe meet someone new,” writes seminary professor Brian Bantum in a recent article for The Christian Century. “No ticket required. No purchase of a pint or coffee or burger and fries in order to stay. You don’t need a bike. You don’t need to know how to sew or sing to be a part of this living thing that comes into being every week.”

Bantum goes on to consider the different public spaces we find ourselves in – parks, museums, neighborhoods – surrounded by people, some we might know, others we’ll only ever see once. Other spaces might require an admission fee, or a shared interest in a special skill or hobby, like the cycling group Bantum decided to meet up with after enjoying the last several years of solo bike rides.

But church, he suggests, is different, as he ponders: “How many buildings or events do we pass by in our daily lives where we could simply stop, walk in, sit down, and participate?”

The church, at its best, is one of the few places left where such an invitation remains. There are no expectations here. No membership or admission fees. No prerequisites or minimum requirements. No compulsory participation in leadership or volunteer roles. Instead, here is a place where literally anyone can just show up, sit, and be. “Please participate in our liturgy as fully as you feel comfortable,” our bulletin greets worshippers every week.

In an ever-evolving society of increasing demands, subscription-based services, and deepening divisions between “us” and “them,” church is a place to be – authentically yourself, in community, amid “the changes and chances of this life.”

It’s weird – and that’s worth something. It’s worth being a part of, and it’s worth doing everything we can to continue to make such a precious space possible, not just for ourselves, but those who aren’t even here yet, who are longing for such a space of welcome and belonging.

This fall, as we again commit ourselves, our time, and our resources to the building and flourishing of this special community at St. John’s, I invite you to A Place to Be: A Place to Be(long), A Place to Be(loved), and A Place to Be(changed).

On Reformation Sunday, October 27, we will set our intentions for the year ahead together – pledging ourselves and our financial support to the ministry of St. John’s and the mission of the gospel.

You can download a copy of this year’s Intent Card – with space for both your “time and talents” and your financial pledge for 2025 – on this page (or pick one up at church). You‘ll also be able to make your pledge online the weekend of October 25-27, and you can set your “time and talents” preferences anytime right here on this page.

In joy and hope,
Pastor Josh +

303 Sand Creek Road (street)
P.O. Box 5085 (mailing)
Albany, New York 12205

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