Ash Wednesday + February 14
12:00 p.m. (in person)
Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes
7:00 p.m. (in person & livestreamed)
Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes
& Saint John’s Collegium
Sundays in Lent + February 18 – March 17
9:30 a.m. (in person & livestreamed)
Holy Eucharist with Saint John’s Collegium
Wednesdays in Lent + February 21 – March 20
Midweek Series with Albany Lutherans Together:
A Lenten Journey to the Easter Vigil
6:00 p.m. (in person)
Supper (vegetarian & gluten-free options available)
6:45 p.m. (in person & Zoom)
Holden Evening Prayer
Location varies by week.
Click here for details.
Sunday of the Passion + March 24
9:30 a.m. (in person & livestreamed)
Holy Eucharist with Palm Procession, the Passion
According to Saint Mark, & Saint John’s Collegium
Maundy Thursday + March 28
12:00 p.m. (in person)
Holy Eucharist with the Laying On of Hands
7:00 p.m. (in person & livestreamed)
Holy Eucharist with the Laying On of Hands,
Stripping of the Altar, & Saint John’s Collegium
Good Friday + March 29
12:00 p.m. (in person)
The Passion According to Saint John, Veneration of
the Cross, & Saint John’s Collegium
7:00 p.m. (in person & livestreamed)
The Passion According to Saint John, Veneration of
the Cross, & Saint John’s Collegium
Great Vigil of Easter + March 30
7:00 p.m. (in person)
This is the night! New fire, stories by candlelight, the first
Eucharist of Easter, and a festive reception.
Hosted by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
510 Albany Shaker Road, Loudonville

St. John’s is a Reconciling in Christ community of faith. Trusting in the extravagant grace of God that sets us free, we affirm the sacred worth and dignity of our siblings in Christ – of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, racial and ethnic identities, ages, abilities, and socio-economic statuses. We confess the church’s complicity in systems that harm God’s people, including homophobia and transphobia, sexism, racism and white supremacy, and ableism. Together, as a community of Jesus followers, rooted in grace, we commit ourselves to the work of racial equity and anti-racism and to confronting and dismantling all systems of injustice and oppression in all we do and say. We invite persons of all backgrounds and faiths (or none at all) to join us for these holy days.